
Published: September 2011 Whenever I ask any of my friends who are or have been to Singapore about accommodations, I always see fragrance hotel in their list of recommendations. I also receive emails from readers of this blog, asking for my review of fragrance hotel but I could not give an opinion because I was yet to try it. The popularity of this hotel chain may be brought about by their cheap rates. In a country where space is limited, it is very challenging to find economical accommodations in a good location. That’s the edge of the numerous fragrance hotel branches all over Singapore. I had been dying to stay in and write about any fragrance hotel and it finally happened on this trip. You may be asking, I thought it was a cruise. Why were you staying at a hotel? राम्रो प्रश्न। We stayed on this hotel on the…

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जाँच गर्न (####) एक ब्याकपेक प्यानब्याक ट्रेल “, Bangkks को साथ एकल गन्तव्यहरु मा एक कतार, कुनै पनि , र परिवारमैत्री होइन। तर! त्यो बिल्कुल मामला छैन। म ती मध्ये एक हुँ जसले यसलाई एक्लो यात्रीहरू वा साथीहरूको राजधानी समूहहरूको लागि मात्र राम्रो भएको व्यक्तिको रूपमा, तर मेरो भर्खरको चेक आउट एक्टकेनको एक्लो वेलनरहरू मात्र नभई परिवारका लागि पनि व्यवहार गर्दछ। शहर सजिलैसँग यसको मुख्य एयरपोर्टको माध्यमबाट पहुँच गरिएको छ – बैंकक अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय एयरपोर्ट (सुभर्नोभमी)। धेरै एयरलाइन कम्पनीहरूले मंगिककमा मन्लाकको लागि उडान गर्छन्। मैले Mangkok (र पछाडि) लाई बंगकाक (र पछाडि) को लागी मेरो भर्खरको यात्राको माध्यमबाट। साथीले दैनिक मनिलाबाट बंगिककलाई दैनिक उडाउँदछ। यसले सेबुल-बैंककोकको मार्गको लागि दैनिक तालिका प्रयोग गर्दछ। पालको फराकिलो शरीर विमान, जस्तै यात्रुहरूको ठूलो मात्राको कारणले सामान्यतया यो मार्गमा सेवा गर्दछ। एक यातायात हब, बैंकक हुनु धेरै सजिलो छिमेकी शहरहरूको तुलनामा नेभिगेट गर्न धेरै सजिलो छ। यसको पहुँचबाट अलग, बैंककले बीचको आवासको ठूलो चयनलाई उच्च चयिमा…

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Updated: 03/17/20 | मार्च 1th, 2020 I haven’t been this excited to be somewhere in a long time. Sure, I was excited for Iceland. as well as Morocco. as well as that trip to the Caribbean last year. Okay, I’m excited a lot, however I haven’t been this excited in a long time. When I touched down in Bangkok a few days ago, I saw in the airplane window a reflection of a wide-eyed as well as bushy-tailed guy seeing a location for the very first time around again. That guy was me. I was home. For years, I’ve dreamed of getting back to my roots, slinging my backpack over my shoulder, as well as traveling without a plan again. However, life always seemed to get in the method as well as trips got delayed. “Something” always came up. It was simple to develop a routine as well as go…

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अन्तिम अपडेट गरियो: 2/2/2020 | फेब्रुअरी दोस्रो, 2020 क्रिस्टिन एडिनहरू मेरो यात्रा म्यादले एकल महिला यात्रामा हाम्रो अर्ध-नियमित स्तम्भलाई मिल्छ। यस स्तम्भमा, उनी सोलो महिला यात्राको वरिपरि शमिंग संस्कृतिमा गइन् र ठ्याक्कै ठ्याक्कै भनिएको छ कि महिलाहरू प्राय: हाँसोको लागि जोखिम-मुक्त छैनन् (जबकि केटालाई यस्तो कुरा भनिन्छ)। यो एक साधारण विषय होइन यद्यपि एक त्यो अत्यन्त प्रासंगिक साथै छलफल गर्न आवश्यक छ। हामी मध्ये धेरै सोलो यात्री पुशब्याक पाउनुहोस्। अन्य व्यक्तिहरूमा निर्भर गर्दछ। “तपाईं कहिले पनि एक अधिक जागिर प्राप्त गर्नुहुन्न, कहिल्यै एक पार्टनर पत्ता लगाउँदैन, बच्चाहरु नहुनुहोस् (वा तिनीहरूलाई समय मा तल माथि तल) साथै मौद्रिक सुरक्षा छैन। “तपाईं धेरै सजिलो हुनुहुनेछ, लुटे, र मार्न सक्नुहुन्छ।” तर हामी एकल महिला बनाम सोलो महिला यात्रीहरूको बारेमा सोच्दछौं जब एक चीज बाहिर टाँसिन्छ: महिलालाई केटा भन्दा धेरै बारम्बार धेरै बारम्बार भनिन्छ यदि तिनीहरू एक्लै यात्रा गरेमा “बलात्कार” गर्नेछन्। मेरो आफ्नै अनुसन्धान अध्ययनको आधारमा, यात्रा-केन्द्रित फेसबुक फेसबुक समूहहरू बाहिर आयोजित, %%% महिला…

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No other man-made structure has made me feel so small. As soon as I stepped on the temple grounds, I felt weirdly belittled but not in a bad way. Angkor Wat is immense, and I’m not talking about just its size. From the intricacy of the bas reliefs in its galleries to its role in the history and culture of Cambodia, everything about this colossal structure must have required tremendous amount of time, resources, effort, and patience. and standing in the middle of the site, I could not help feeling insignificant compared to the surrounding grandeur made of sandstone. The Angkor Wat Angkor Wat literally means “temple city,” and judging by the sheer size of the site, no other name fits better. It is constructed with five to ten million sandstone blocks over 500 acres (208 hectares) of forest. built in the 12th century under King Suryavarman II of the…

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If you’ve ever gone backpacking around Europe, you’ve most likely heard of FlixBus. It’s a broad network of affordable intercity bus business operating in much more than 30 countries, marketed under one FlixBus brand. We typically choose the train, but when it’s expensive or unavailable, FlixBus is our next transportation choice. One thing I appreciate about booking with FlixBus is the individual experience. Their site is easy and straightforward. Making any deal doesn’t take as well much time. The exact same applies to changing or canceling a trip. After three European tours, we have experienced canceling and rebooking a few of our tickets. In this post, we’ll share exactly how to do those. यस गाईडमा के भयो? How to cancel a FlixBus ticket How to rebook a Flixbus trip How to change passenger name Frequently Asked QuestionsHow to cancel my ticket utilizing the FlixBus mobile app? How much is the…

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म एक बिट धेरै उत्साहित महसुस गर्दै थिए। र उत्साहित द्वारा, म टिप्सी संकेत गर्दछु। त्यहाँ म थिए, कुन कुराले अन्वेषण गर्दा संसारको धेरै चेक आउट गरिएको कब्रिस्तान, आधा मतवाला। यो दिउँसो चार थियो। मैले यहाँ बाटोमा पिउने काममा कहिले योजना राखिन। यो कसरी लामो कथा हो, तर यहाँ यसको छोटो छ। बिहान सबेरै काममा भएको र प्रभुको सेवा बाहेक अरू केही छैन, म बिस्तारै मेरो होटेलबाट एकदम भोकाएको थिएँ। होइन, अनिकाल। यो दुई बितेको थियो, र म कहाँ खाने बारेमा ख्याल गर्न धेरै भोकाएको थियो। म पहिलो व्यक्ति खान सक्दछु जुन म पेरिसको सडकमा समात्न सक्छु, र म कुनै फरक पर्दैन। मेरो औंलाहरू हल्लाउँदै र पेटको गानको साथ, मैले पहिलो रेस्टुरेन्टमा खाना खाएँ। पछि ब्लक पछि, म एक पिज्जेरियाको अगाडि उभिरहेको थिएँ। “Bojumour,” कुचललाई मुस्कुराएको छ। (मलाई थाहा छ, मानिसहरूले मलाई सधैं भन्छन् कि शहरमा बेरिजसँग घनदार वेटरहरू छन्।) उनले मलाई पूरै भेट गरेन, तर मेरो समय थियो भनेर…

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Posted: 11/3/15 | November 3rd, 2015 A few months ago, I announced a new case study program, in which I would work with a cross-section of readers and help them plan and execute their trips, walking them through all the stages of travel planning and creating a roadmap toward their dream. And I said that along the way, I’d share their stories as way to inspire and help you plan your own trip. Four months ago, I introduced you to the case study participants, and now it’s time to update you on their progress! I’m ecstatic to share their stories with you. Jianne Jianne is a 27-year-old office worker from Manila striving to take a two-week holiday next year. Living in the Philippines, she has no access to travel hacking but does have a plethora of visa restrictions and a weak currency. and considering that her family won’t let her…

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Years ago, when major news websites published articles claiming that one can enjoy Paris for less than P60,000, I took it with a grain of salt. but I’ve done it myself, and I can tell you that it is possible. It can be done. In pop culture, Paris is heavily romanticized as one incredibly stunning city. In reality, it is exactly that. अझ राम्राे। On my first day in Paris, the first thing I did was go up to the open-air observatory of tour Montparnasse to have what many regard as the best view of the city. I remember that moment after emerging from the elevator: I turned right and was right away greeted by the ever-so-captivating Eiffel Tower. It was the first of the many times the hair at the back of my neck rose for all the good reasons. Each of my Paris trips is a realization of…

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हाई सबैलाई। म भर्खरको Nomadic नेटवर्क घटना बाट एक अधिक भिडियो साझा गर्न चाहान्छु। यो सबै छ कि “कसरी TNN को निर्देशकले धेरै वर्षका लागि संसारको प्रत्येक विधि बनायो। एरिकाको न्यूमाडिक नेटवर्कको निर्देशक हो। उनी 201 2013 लाई पनि विचार गरी 201 2013 मा पनि विचार गरीरहेको मनोयोगिक म्याट टीममा भइरहेको छ, साथै उनले हाम्रो समुदायका लागि सबै घटनाहरू राख्छिन्। Tnn साथ 100 अनलाइन घटनाहरू समात्यो, उनलाई उनको व्यक्तिगत यात्रा यात्राको बारेमा साझेदारी गर्न भनियो (र यो एक doog ्ग हो!)। त्यसोभए, यस सत्रमा, तपाईं ‘… हे! अवरोध गर्न माफ गर्नुहोस् तर …. तपाई एक सदस्य-एक मात्र लेखमा ठोकरको जस्तो देखिन्छ! (पहिले नै एक सदस्य? यहाँ लग गर्नुहोस्।) यो पोष्ट केवल Nomadic म्याड प्लस प्लस को सदस्यहरु को लागी हो! एनएम + हाम्रो सदस्यको एक मात्र कार्यक्रम हो जुन आयसलाई बोनस ब्लग पोष्टहरूमा पहुँच प्राप्त गर्दछ। साथै सदस्यहरू पनि मानार्थ पुस्तकहरू, गाइडबुकहरू, हाम्रो घटनाहरू, घटना प्रतिकूल, मासिक कारासागत, टी-शर्टहरू, विशेष…

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