टोकियोको नाकनो जिल्लामा त्यहाँ एक स्टोर भनिन्छ “पसल जसले ट्रेनहरूमा छोडेका चीजहरू प्रदान गर्दछन्।” त्यो पसलको नाम थियो। साथै यो बेचिएको छ, ठिक छ, समयका मानिसहरूले कम्युट गर्ने चीजहरू भने कहिल्यै दावी गरिएको थिएन।
उनीहरूले स्टोरमा के छ भनेर म मर्दै छु जुन मैले ठीक त्यहि दिन नखालातिर हतारिएँ जुन मैले यसको बारेमा पत्ता लगाए। म यसको दुर्व्यवहार केन्द्रहरू यसको ब्राउजमा स्वीप गर्दछु। मैले यसलाई पत्ता लगाउँदिन। हाहा। जे होस् यसले मलाई देखायो कि जब उनीहरूले टोकियोको लागि सबैको लागि केहि चीज पाउँदछन्, तिनीहरू सम्भवतः सबै तरिकामा यसलाई संकेत गर्दछन्। नाकनो, ओटोकुको लागि स्थानको रूपमा सब भन्दा राम्रो बुझिन्छ, जापानी राजधानीमा धेरै मनमोहक स्थानहरू मध्ये एक मात्र हो।
मेरो सब भन्दा कम टोकियो यात्रा नयाँ वर्ष बिक्री संग मिल्छ। Truchim छ, मलाई विश्वास गर्नुहोस्। मैले यो कुरा बुझिन। यद्यपि म पहिले नै त्यहाँ थिएँ त्यसैले मैले यसलाई अवलोकन गरें। जवान छोरो मैले उडायो। यो सबै शहर बिक्री मा थियो जस्तो थियो। त्यहाँ कतै छुट दरहरू थिए, साथै यी 10% वा 20% बन्द मात्र होइन। तपाईं ¥ 100 (USD1, PHP 44 44 को लागि कपडाको साथ हिड्न सक्नुहुन्छ)।
धेरै स्टोरहरूले पनि ¥ 5000 भन्दा ठूलो खरीदको लागि कर-मुक्त खरीदको रूपमा खरीद गर्छन्। तपाईंको राहदानी सबै समय ल्याउनुहोस् किनकि तिनीहरू यसलाई आवश्यक पर्ने आवश्यकता छ।
AMEYOOKO को अपवाद बाहेक, टोकियोले प्राय: असीमित खुला खुला खुला खुला ओन्टल-एयर स्ट्रीट बजारहरू हुँदैनन् जुन अन्य अधिकारीहरू बुझ्ने अंश भन्दा बढि छन्, तर त्यहाँ अन्य पूर्वीय शहरहरू छन्। यहाँ ती मध्ये केही हो।
यस गाईडमा के भयो?
हजुरबाबेरी किनमेल केन्द्र
Odaiba vnungass
डन क्लाइज्म
टोकियोमा विशिष्ट उत्पादनहरूको शीर्ष बजेट योजना होटेलहरू खरीद गर्ने
अधिकको लागि खोजी गर्नुहोस्: टोकियो होटेलहरू
यूट्यूबका पोष्टहरूमा थप सुझावहरू:
त्यहाँ एक ठूलो सम्भावना छ तपाईं shinjuuku मा आफैलाई पत्ता लगाउन जानुहुन्छ। यो दुई सबैभन्दा ठूलो, व्यस्त, को साथ साथै टोकियोमा धेरै लिंक स्टेशनहरू मध्ये एक छ। चाहे तपाईं यहाँ शिनजु क्युन हेर्न वा केवल एक ट्रेन ट्रान्सफर बनाउँदै हुनुहुन्छ, तपाईं पसलहरू पनि निरीक्षण गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। तिनीहरू keptyy छन्! स्टेशन आफैंमा केियो र इंजानको रूपमा विभाग भण्डारसँग जोडिएको छ। त्यस्तै त्यस्तै हो जुन तपाईं यहाँ Lumine पत्ता लगाउन, एक भूमिगत खुद्रा प्रमोदवन। साथै मैले भूमिगत रूपमा बताउँदा मैले यसलाई शाब्दिक रूपमा संकेत गरें।
यदि तपाईं विशिष्ट कपडाको चेनहरू खोज्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंले उनीहरूको विशाल पसलहरूलाई व्यापक अपस्केल ब्रान्डको साथ चिह्नित गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ। जहाँसम्म मेरो लागि सबैभन्दा मनमोहक पसलहरू बिक्री, इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स विशाल बिकार भिडियो क्यामेराका साथै ल्यान्ड-ब्याक लगाएको अनियाको मर्ज गर्दछ; कामेठीको साथसाथै एक विभाग स्टोरले दुबै ब्रान्ड नयाँ र प्रि-प्रेम डिजाइनर उत्पादनहरू घडी, झोला र कपडा जस्ता प्री-ही-प्रेम डिजाइनर उत्पादनहरू।
नजिकको स्टेशन: Shinjucuu
तपाईं बुझ्नुहुन्छ कि तपाईं श्वियालाई छोडेर जानुहुन्न कि उनीहरूले के भने के उनीहरूले राज्यको व्यस्त छेध्यापित छ। जब तपाईं शिबोयामा हुनुहुन्छ, आफ्ना पसलहरू हेर्न लामो समय निकाल्नुहुन्छ।
शिब्वाकुमा जस्तै शिबोयामा विभाग भण्डारहरू प्रशस्त हुन्छन्। शिबुया Hikiey साथै शिवयाइ 10 9 दोषी बिरामीहरु छन्, तर म व्यक्तिगत रूपमा एक सात-कथा भवन आवास, एक सात-कथा भवन आवास, स्टेशनरी, र अन्य बीच होशियार रहन्छु। त्यस्तै गरी तीन किन्नुहोस् यी तीनवटा किवानीको लागि त्यस्तो घर छ जुन स्थानीयहरू बीचै प्रख्यात छन्, कोओन डोरी, साथै केन्द्र गाला।
नजिकको स्टेशन: शिबोया
टोकियोको रिजाजी पक्ष। जिन्जा सबै भन्दा राम्रो ज्ञात छ कि जिल्ला खरीद गर्न एक विलम्बन डिजाइनर र लडनेरिंग डिजाइनर ब्रान्ड जस्तै, जे भए पनि सस्तो फेसन स्टेपल्स जस्तै असुविधाको रूपमा।
यहाँ खरीददार जटिल जटिलताहरू, मिट्कासोसी, मारानाली गेट, साथै tokueu प्लाजा गिन्जा पनि समावेश छन्।
यो बजार सडक जुन uenoo को बीचमा यन्डनोट लाइन समानान्तर र ओक्कोमीची स्टेशनहरू सँधै मानिसहरूसँग फुटाउँदैछ। यहाँ उत्पादनहरूको फराकिलो दायरा प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ: झोलाहरू, कपडा, सामानहरू, मसलाहरू, माछा। Don’t be amazed if you see barkers announcing discount rates while standing on a chair amidst a sea of humanity. The craziness of everything alone is worth inspecting out, haha.
Nearest station: Ueno
Grandberry shopping center
Update: This has already closed down.
This complex in Minami Machida is well-known for its lane of outlet stores (Adidas, Nike, Coach, Gap, Old Navy, Franc Franc, Mont Bell, Brooks Brothers). The costs right here are not truly thought about “bargain” by anyone’s standards, however they’re certainly lower than department store prices.
Just outside Grandberry shopping center is a shop that offers alcoholic beverages, coffee, as well as tea! This is where I purchased much of the pasalubong to the titas.
It’s a bit far from the city center, around 40-50 minutes from Shibuya.
Nearest Station: Minami Machida
Odaiba VenusFort
VenusFort likewise homes a number of outlet stores including Puma, Levi’s, as well as Samsonite. If you’re planning on going to Odaiba anyway, you may also decrease by as well as inspect it out.
Nearest Station: Aomi, Tokyo Teleport
Sugamo’s market street
Often called Old Ladies’ Harajuku, Sugamo is mainly understood for its 800-m Jizo Dori, a buying street that cater mainly to the elderly. It’s prominent for shio-daifuku, pounded rice cakes with wonderful bean paste as well as the red underclothing that is believed to bring great luck. (I know! Should’ve gotten one for myself. Haha.)
When I was here, though, I ended up purchasing half-dozen bottles of flavored honey as well as a speaking feline toy for my nephew.
Nearest Station: Sugamo
The electronics center of Tokyo. one of its most significant stores is the 9-level Yodobashi electronics store that is packed with sim cards on the very first floor, PC parts as well as laptops on the second floor, cameras on the third floor, as well as video games as well as software application on the seventh.
You’ll likewise discover a number of second-hand shops scattered around the area.
Just a short walk from the station, you’ll likewise discover M’s Pop Life Store, a 7-story department store selling all kind of intimate items.
A shopping center in Nakano
I may not have discovered the shop that offers things left on trains, however I got to see what Nakano has to offer to the otaku. This is where you ought to go if you’re searching for anime as well as manga items. The second as well as third levels of Nakano Broadway shopping center are full of shops that offer action figures, games, comic books, DVDs, as well as so on.
Nearest Station: Nakano (JR Chuo Line)
डन क्लाइज्म
A department store chain with a number of branches around Tokyo, selling a myriad of products from electronics to personal care to home products to stuffed animals. There are tons of affordable discovers right here squeezed into towering shelves. You may want to dedicate much time just to see what they have to offer.
Where to purchase specific Products
Where to purchase toys for grownups, if you understand what I mean. Akihabara is where you will discover M’s Pop Life Store, a 7-story department store selling toys as well as DVDs for grownups, if you understand what I mean. The aisles right here are quite narrow, however its packed with whatever it is that floats your boat. costumes for function play? They have it. Gags as well as whips? They have it. Basics? Of course, they have it. Don Quijote likewise offers these items.
Where to purchase pre-loved high-end items. Shinjuku, mostly. My fashion blog writer good friend showed me around as well as I was shocked by the amount of top quality products on sale. discover Komehyo for high-end watches, designer clothing, bags, as well as jewelry. two understood resale stores — Daikokuya as well as Ginzo — likewise have branches in Shinjuku.
Where to purchase pre-loved cameras as well as lenses. The third level of Yodobashi in Akihabara has great choices.
Where to purchase gadgets. I’m not sure if it’s just me, however I discovered that Bic Camera’s costs are somewhat lower than Yodobashi, even for Apple products as well as cameras.
Where to purchase Japanese KitKat. KitKat is available in special flavors in Japan. You’ll see them getting sold at discount rate stores around the city. however if you wanna score small savings, head to Takeya, likewise understood as the “purple building,” in Ueno. They offer duty-free buying as well as has an practically total collection of Kitkat flavors. even Meiji chocolates are less expensive here. If you don’t have time as well as you’re utilizing Narita terminal 2 on your flight out, there’s likewise a store there that offers Japanese KitKat. You’ll likewise discover Shiroi Koibito Biscuits (Hokkaido Biscuits) as well as Pablo’s Cheesecake at the airport.
Where to purchase very affordable items. 100-yen shops (Hyaku En Shoppu). These are quite typical throughout Tokyo. They offer all kind of products mainly for ¥108 (¥100 without the taxes).
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MyCUBE by MYSTAYS Asakusa Kuramae. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
Capsule hotel Anshin Oyado Tokyo Akihabara. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
GLANSIT AKIHABARA comfort CAPUSULE HOTEL. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
Capsule hotel Anshin Oyado Premier Tokyo Shinjuku Station. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
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Hotel Wing worldwide choose Asakusa Komagata. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
अधिकको लागि खोजी गर्नुहोस्: टोकियो होटेलहरू
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